Ever wonder, how on earth do you solve the 3x3 Rubix cube? It may seem impossible at first. But when it’s impossible, man will make it possible. Therefore, today we shall go through the steps to solve a rubix cube.
Before you start this tutorial be sure to know what cube notations are:

F front clockwise
F’ front counter-clockwise
R Right clockwise(forward)
R’- Right counterclockwise(Backwards)
L- Left (Backwards)
L’- Left (Forward)
U- Up Clockwise
U’-Up counterclockwise

- Firstly after we’ve unjumbled a rubix cube, we should try to form a cross on the center of yellow edge, with the white edge, like a daisy. There’s no algorithm for this is done randomly. Make sure to plan for the next step and purposefully turn the cube. Also don’t forget to match the white side edge of center of the colour and turn 180 degrees. Do that for all the white edge on the daisy.

Before going to step 2 here’s the 2 moves you need to learn.
The right trigger method:

You need to turn the right side up. Then turn the top clockwise or move to the left (whatever is easy to understand.) And then turn the right side down.
Left trigger method:

You need to turn the left side up. Then turn the top anti-clockwise or move to the right (whatever is easy to understand.) And then turn the left side down.
2. After that do left and right trigger to complete solving the white edge. Align the side of white edge to the colour of the center and do the left or right trigger depending on the position. If its left then do the left trigger, if it’s right then do the right trigger. (If there are some white edges that face up do left or right trigger twice)

3.Now place the white edge on the bottom and ensure that the yellow edge is on the top.

Once you’ve do that find the top edge without yellow on the side edge or top edge and move it away from the side it is supposed to go(determined by the colour of the top edge go the opposite side of that). After that do the right trigger to solve it.

4.Repeat step four for all, until the middle layer is solved.

5. Form yellow cross:
After solving the bottom & middle layer, try to form a yellow cross at the top. Use the algorithm to form yellow cross: FRUR’U’F’ (9 to 12 oclock).
Step 3(the end)is a yellow cross.
6. After forming the yellow cross we’ve to line up the edges with the other centers. Turn the top layer until two of the edges lie in both of their centre. If it’s opposite turn the cube to position the edges that align with the centre on left and right. URUR’URUUR’ Algorithm.
7. After the edges lines up with their respective centers, Find a corner that’s between its respective centers(Colour near the surrounding center) like what it’s shown in the first image. Hold the puzzle with the corner circled below on the right
8. Do URU’L’UR’U’L to make the corner between the respective center.
URU’L’UR’U’L to make the corner between the respective center. Do it twice
9. Use the R’D’RD Algorithm on step 8 position. Keep repeating sequence until yellow sticker is on top of the corner. When the yellow sticker is on top you finish the sequence with that last down side to the right turn before you line up the next unsolved corner.
L’URU’LUR’ to unscramble your mess made in step 7–9.